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Three Mayors including the Mayor of Tianjin Invited to the First Olympic Sailing City Mayors and International Sailing Sports Summit Forum
青岛帆船网 2010-06-18 19:56:41 

    To invite domestic city mayors, on behalf of Mayor Xia Geng, Li Ming, vice Secretary General of Qingdao Municipal Government, Yuan Zhiping, vice supervisor of Qingdao Sports Bureau and Lu Yunqiang, vice consultant of Qingdao Municipal Reception Office went to Dalian, Tianjin and Qinhuangdao from May 4th to 6th, and invited the mayors of the cities to the first Olympic Sailing City Mayors and International Sailing Sports Summit Forum.

    They made a smooth tour of invitation. During their visits, Yu Jianjun, vice secretary general of Dalian, Zhu Jun, vice secretary general of Tianjin and Zhu Haowen, mayor of Qinhuangdao received delegates of Qingdao Municipal government respectively. Li Ming, vice secretary general of Qingdao presented letters of invitation to the first Olympic Sailing City Mayors and International Sailing Sports Summit Forum. The secretary generals of Dalian and Tianjin governments said they would forward the invitations immediately to their mayors or vice mayors. The Mayor of Qinhuangdao said he would sure come to Qingdao for the forum if he is not specially occupied during the forum. Regular Contact with the 3 cities have been established, and forum preparations will be reported to the them in time. Next week, Li Ming will lead a team to the major coastal cities of South China and proceed with their invitation tour.


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