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A thousand sails sailing together in Fushan Bay
青岛帆船网 2011-08-23 08:09:57 

    It stopped raining and became sunny at 9:00 yesterday. The sails and masts of 606 yachts were standing at the sea of Olympic Sailing Center and ready for cruising. Paragliders were roaring overhead. A five-year old girl was shouting, “Come on! It will start! ”

    At 10:30, music of drum saluted in the square of Olympic Center with colored fireworks in the air. The flagship “Montaigne”, a British three-masted sailboat, was sailing out the harbor of Olympic Sailing Center. The liner Blue Ocean Pearl and other sailboats sailed after the flagship making the Fushan Bay much more spectacular.

    The liner and sailboat in the front were steady at sea with tide up and down. Many colored 470 class sailboats were sailing in the middle of the fleet. We also had small yachts and motorboats at the end of the fleet. The cruising fleet was extending from Fushan Bay to Taiping Bay. Furthermore, the little kids from Qingdao International Optimist Sailing Camp were navigating more than 400 OP class sailboats in the harbor of Olympic Sailing Center.


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