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“China ·Qingdao” has completed half the record-breaking voyage in the Arctic Ocean Guo Chuan could already see the iceberg
青岛帆船网 2015-09-21 14:14:45 

    “China ·Qingdao” super trimaran, the captain of which is Guo Chuan, the first Chinese person to complete the global non-intermittent sailing, is challenging the record-breaking Arctic Ocean voyage. By 21:40 pm of September 8th, the “China ·Qingdao” sailing ship has been sailing in the sea for as many as 5 days and travelled about 1,290 sea miles. It is located in 780 32' 72'' northern latitude and 1100 54' 08'' east longitude, about 1,470 sea miles far away from the destination, Providensky Rayon, a coastal city of Bering Strait in east Russia.

    It is on September 3rd that “China ·Qingdao” set off from Murmansk, a port in northwest Russia. On as early as September 5th, the fleet has sailed through the strait between Novaya Zemlya and Eurasia and entered the Asian water area of the Arctic Ocean in theory.

    The air temperature of the place where “China·Qingdao” was currently located was around zero degree centigrade while the water temperature was about 2 degree centigrade. But because of the weak wind, the fleet was slowing down. Guo Chuan and his 5 foreign subordinated sailors could already see the iceberg in the distance and found floating ice on the sea for many times. Because the advanced radar equipment on the ship can detect the position of pack floating ice and receive warning signals in advance, “China ·Qingdao” can usually avoid these potential dangers.

    Because of global climate warming, ice freezing in the Arctic Pole is getting more and more serious. Every year there are a dozen of iceless days in “Northeast Channel”, which used to exist in only legends. Guo Chuan felt very self-contradictory about this phenomenon. “As captain, I definitely hope there will be fewer icebergs. This way our risks during the voyage can lower accordingly. However I also hope that the Arctic Ocean can be an ocean of icebergs, as glamorous as before.” Sun Fei (“China ·Qingdao” is sailing in the Arctic Ocean.)


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