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“China ·Qingdao” sailing ship berthed in the Suez Canal
青岛帆船网 2015-12-21 14:11:48 

    The 21st century Marine Silk Road sailing activity of “China· Qingdao” sailing ship, which will last for 2 months, is coming to the end. On December 8th Beijing time, the “China· Qingdao” super trimaran berthed smoothly in a certain wharf of the Suez Canal.

    Located in the northeast Egypt, the Suez Canal with a total length of 190 kilometres is the division line between Asia and Africa as well as the vital artery connecting the Red Sea with Mediterranean. In the previous voyage in the Red Sea, “China Qingdao” ship underwent a heavy wind at a speed of 30 sea miles per hour for a long time. As a result, the joint between the mainsail slideway and the second and third velar bar was broken, the fifth velar bar was almost unserviceable and the sailing speed was seriously affected. To solve this problem, the “China Qingdao” sailing ship stopped temporarily in a harbor and the international fleet by Guo Chuan made an overhaul to the trimaran and kicked off successfully all the problems.

    After passing through the Suez Canal, the “China Qingdao” ship will enter the Mediterranean area. Besides Alexander, Genoa, Italy and Monaco, the last two destinations during this voyage, are both located on the Mediterranean coast with exquisite scenery.

    Since departing from Qingdao homeport on October 21st, the “China Qingdao” ship paid visits to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore, Merissa in Sri Lanka, and Bombay in India. Through a series of promotion and presentation, Qingdao images are fully presented and the sports culture exchanges with the countries and regions across the line of the 21st century Marine Silk Road has been greatly strengthened.


青岛市帆船网 http://www.qdsailing.org
版权所有:青岛市人民政府新闻办公室 青岛市体育总会 青岛市帆船帆板(艇)运动协会
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