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青岛帆船网 2016-01-26 14:50:54 

    The first 24 hours of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race 7 has seen the teams split as they navigate the tactics of the Lihou Reef, with the option of going to seaward of it, or between two reefs. 赛程7:亚洲新发现之岘港段比赛开赛后的首个24小时里,各赛队为了躲避澳洲的利胡礁各自选择了不同的航线,要么是外围避开、要么选择在珊瑚礁间穿行。

    After a Le Mans start early Tuesday local time, the teams hoisted their spinnakers for a time before the wind backed and started to lighten. 本赛程是当地时间本周二采用的勒芒式(Le Mans)开赛方式起航的,开赛后各赛队都升起了球帆,之后风力有所减弱。

    Qingdao is the current race leader, with a 6 nautical mile lead over IchorCoal in second, followed by PSP logistics in third. All three teams are on the west of the race course. 青岛号目前处于领头羊位置,截止发稿时,领先第二名赛队IchorCoal矿业号6海里左右,位居第三位的是PSP物流号,三支赛队都在既定航线的西侧。

    Bob Beggs, Skipper of Qingdao, described the first 24 hours of racing: “After a cracking start under spinnaker yesterday, we dropped the kite in favour of our Yankee headsails. We then saw the fleet split in favour of individual tactics. Our aim was to transit between two reefs directly ahead rather than go the long way around. This has shown some initial gains but all the yachts are still reasonably close by. The wind ahead is getting lighter by the hour as expected. As we close up to the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) (otherwise known as the Doldrums) good helming and sail trim are essential. The team is focused effectively on deck trying to get an extra knot of boat speed, although pilot whales slapping the side of the hull did cause some distraction for a while,” 青岛号赛队船长Bob Beggs在报告中这样描述过去的24小时:“昨天一开赛就干净利落得升起了球帆,后来换上了船艏扬基帆。接下来就看到各个赛队出于技战术的选择而走向了不同方向。我们的策略是从两个珊瑚礁之间通过,而没有选择绕行。这样的战术选择给我们带来了一点优势,但是其他赛队跟的都很紧。前方的风况比预计的情况要变得更小,当我们接近热带辐合带(ITCZ)的时候,调帆就变得尤为关键。团队把精力都有效集中在了甲板上争取提高船速,然而小插曲是:我们的帆船得到了巨头鲸的眷顾,时而拍打着我们的船侧,还好我们没有分心。”

    The teams have also been experiencing tropical squall activity already, as Matt Mitchell, Skipper of ClipperTelemed+, explains: “Today has seen some more strange wind patterns as there have been some heavy squall clouds around. At one stage we had Mission Performance sailing off into the distance, Visit Seattle screaming up behind, with us stuck in the middle making 1 knot of boat speed in hardly any breeze at all. Such is the way of ocean racing. The team experienced its first tropical squall today with the big wind shifts, big gusts, and the most discernible characteristic - the torrential rain, or as I like to call it, 'the shower’. The on-watch did a great job dealing with the rapidly changeable conditions. There will be plenty more to come I am sure,”

    船队还遇到了热带强风活动,克利伯远程医疗号赛队船长Matt Mitchell报告中解释说到:“今天遇到的风况有些奇怪,还遇到了比较厚的飑线云。有一段时间,使命拓展号赛队超过了我们渐渐远去,西雅图号在后面也是追了上来,我们加在中间,船速降到了一节左右,几乎捕捉不到什么风了。远洋帆船比赛就是这样。今天赛队经历了第一场热带强风,风向变化多、强度大,再有就是区域性的大暴雨,在我这里就叫‘淋浴’。当班的船员干的不错,出色的应对了多变的各种风况海况,我相信接下来的日子里会有更多挑战的。”


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