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青岛帆船网 2016-01-28 11:20:43 

    The chase is on in the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, with the Scoring Gate behind them, the next big focus for the teams is crossing the Equator and getting themselves positioned to pick up the Trade Winds, which will ease their journey past the Philippines and propel them towards the race finish, some 3000 nautical miles away. 亚洲新发现之岘港段比赛激励进行中,得分门之争已经完成,各赛队接下来的焦点就是跨越赤道,调整好位置后,寻找信风助行,抓住信风后,他们将会较为顺利的通过菲律宾群岛海域,然后就直接奔着3000海里以外的终点线前进了。

    Having been among the first of the fleet to clear the Doldrums, GREAT Britain, Derry~Londonderry~Doire, Qingdao and LMAX Exchange, all charged for the Scoring Gate yesterday, each vying for the bonus points on offer. 领先梯队中的大不列颠号、伦敦德里号、青岛号和LMAX外汇交易号一起争夺得分门的额外积分,比拼十分激烈。

    It was GREAT Britain that made it through the gate first at 1642 UTC but with Derry~Londonderry~Doire and Qingdao hot on its trail, Skipper Peter Thornton says the team worked relentlessly to maintain the lead: “Conditions were in and out of torrential down pours and simply general rain and spray as we started to make ground to the north. Then another big wind increase and shift forced our hand to tack. 最终,大不列颠号在UTC时间2016年1月25日1642时分率先通过得分门,伦敦德里号和青岛号紧随其后。大不列颠号船长Peter Thornton报告中说到:“团队一直在不懈的努力保持领先名次,向北行进渐入佳境的时候,也遇到了各种天气情况,风时来时去,后来又下起了雨,能上的都上了。接下来有来了一场大风和变向,我们不得不打个折角。”

    Pending verification by the Race Office upon arrival into Vietnam, GREAT Britain will be awarded the maximum three points,Derry~Londonderry~Doire will receive two points for crossing in second place at 1740 UTC and Qingdao earns the remaining points for being third at 1901 UTC. 等到克利伯赛组委在比赛结束抵达越南岘港最终确认后,大不列颠号将获得冲击得分门的最高积分3分;伦敦德里号第二个通过,获得2点积分;青岛号第三个通过,拿下最后1点积分。

    With the front ten boats spread over a 40nM radius, frustrations continue for Visit Seattle and Mission Performance in eleventh and twelfth place, as they are still stuck in the Doldrums off New Ireland (Papua New Guinea), and now almost 100 nautical miles behind the rest of the pack. However, the pair have picked up speed and if the band of light wind forecast up ahead causes the rest of the fleet to slow down and concertina, it could allow the back two boats to narrow the distance. 目前,前十名赛队最大差距是40海里左右,最后两个垫底的西雅图号和使命拓展号赛队仍然在收到无风的困扰,赤道无风带把他们卡在了新爱尔兰海域(巴布亚新几内亚),现在距离前方大部队已经有100海里远了。但是这两支赛队后来速度提了起来,天气预测的风况会对他们有利,有望在接下来的比赛里将差距缩小。

    In a few hours the teams will begin to cross the Equator and pay homage to King Neptune. Stay tuned to find out how they celebrate the transformation from Pollywog to Shellback and keep an eye on the Race Viewer for the latest race standings. 再过几小时,各赛队就要逐个开始穿越赤道向海神Neptune敬礼了。


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