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Mayor's Cup International Regatta ENTRY FORM
青岛帆船网 2019-04-09 12:42:37 

"Mayor’s Cup" International Regatta2019 Notice of Race (August9th-13th2019).

5. On-line Entry

5.1. Eligible teams may enter by completing the entry form at http://www.qdsailing.org and send it to sailingweek_qdya@163.com with all the Copies of Passports or IDs of all the team members. Entries must be received no later than24:00hrs, July26th,2019.

5.2. Receiving the E-mail confirmation letter is considered signing up successfully.

5.3. The photo and introduction of the skipper, photos and VCR(if possible) with all crews and the skipper in it, introduction of your team (within400 words), shall be received by Organizing Authority no later than24:00hrs, July26th2019 and send them to sailingweek_qdya@163.com.

5.4. Late entries, accompanied by an additional late entry fee of CYN4000.00, may be accepted at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.

6. On-site Registration

Each eligible team shall provide these following documents at registration:

6.1. A copy of the entry confirmation.

6.2. Passports or IDs (the original and the scanned copy) of all team members.

6.3. Entry fee and equipment damage deposit.

6.4. Proof of personal accident insurance complying with NOR23.

Click here to check "Mayor’s Cup" International Regatta2019 Notice of Race

Click here to download:

Mayor's Cup International RegattaENTRY FORM.docx


青岛市帆船网 http://www.qdsailing.org
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