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The 5 teams of the "Far East Cup" launched the ultimate matchup, and they won the match in Qingdao!
青岛帆船网 2020-05-12 05:05:00 

Russia Vladivostok Electric at14:30 local time on September14th, was included in the4th"Far East Cup" International Sailing Rally, the second stage of the4th East China Economic Forum's Qingdao Independent Brand Event. The Vladivostok station to the Qingdao station will ignite the war, and the five fleets from China, Russia and South Korea will launch the ultimate matchup on a long voyage of more than1,000 nautical miles.

More than a thousand local people came to the pier to send the fleet, wishing the athletes a smooth sailing and a safe journey. With five"Far East Cup" regattas departing from Vladivostok, there are also a number of high-profile masts from Japan, South Korea and Indonesia that are about100 meters long. They just ended the2018 Far East High Mastiff Regatta The journey. During the Vladivostok, the China Yachting and Windsurfing Association, Qingdao and the Far East High-Sailboat Organizer signed a memorandum of cooperation. This highly entertaining and influential internationally renowned event is expected to land in2020. Qingdao.

"Far East Cup" Qingdao Station to Vladivostok Station venue race and two stations in the port battle,"Wei Dong Yun Education" Russia's seven-foot team with a7-point advantage against South Korea's Gyeonggi Province No.0 team At the top of the list, I hope to complete three consecutive championships. Russia's decision team and the"Qintai Liquor" Qingdao team tied for third with30 points, and the Shanghai Youth Team ranked fifth with2 points. The three teams will compete for the third place in the"Far East Cup".

According to the competition committee's prediction, the five fleets will return to Qingdao around September21. The closing ceremony of the"Far East Cup" will be held on September23. 

(Qingdao Daily / Qingdao View / Qing Daily Network reporter Sun Fei correspondent Yuan Huaqiang)


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