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The first person to reach a milestone in Chinese Sailing and Windsurfing - Zhang Xiaodong
青岛帆船网 2020-10-30 13:47:56 

At the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, 28-year-old Zhang Xiaodong won the first Olympic medal for the Chinese yachting team - a silver medal of thewomen's Lechner A-390 class, which was a breakthrough for China and even Asia, andZhang Xiaodongbecame the first person to reach a milestone in Chinese sailing andwindsurfing.

▲ In 1984, Zhang Xiaodong returned to Guangzhou after winning the World Sailing Championship.

In 1996, Zhang Xiaodong came to Qingdao due to a job transfer. Sheinvolved in theorganization of the 2008 Olympic Sailing Competition and carried the first baton of the Olympic Torch relay in Qingdao. Since then, she has been working on the popularization and promotion of sailingafter the Olympic Games is over, making Qingdao City’s name card – Olympic Sailing – even more gleaming.

▲ Zhang Xiaodong,President of Chinese Yachting Association

In 2017, Zhang Xiaodong was electedPresident of the Chinese Yachting Association, and made huge contributions to the popularization of sailing andwindsurfing in the country. With theMeisha Cup TeenagersSailingLeague,FamilySailingRegattas, and various inter-club leagues organized bynon-governmental organizations springing up,sailing in China truly ushers in a springof development. Zhang Xiaodong has never left the sailing career she loves, and hasbeen leading Chinese sailing to break new ground for the future with steady development.


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